Borneol is a solid terpene isolate found in over 260 plants including citrus peel oil and spices such as nutmeg, ginger and thyme. The compound is found commonly in food flavoring and fragrances for its strong herbal minty aroma.
Borneol is an excellent example of the entourage effect, the common effect terpene have in delivering other compounds throughout the body. The isolate has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine as a messenger drug, which facilitates the transport of multiple drugs to specific sites and harmonizes the effects of those drugs.
This isolate will arrive in a solid state. Our Terpene Blends contain NO cannabis, THC, CBD. They're non-psychoactive and sourced from botanicals. No cutting agents - We don't use any additives, diluents, or carrier agents to artificially enhance or dilute or products.