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Terpenes & Us — Inca Trail terpenes blog

Weaponized Fragrances: A Look At How Terpenes Are Used Throughout Nature

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

Weaponized Fragrances: A Look At How Terpenes Are Used Throughout Nature

Wartime communication is among the most crucial and important communication, in terms of conveying a message without any room for misinterpretation. Throughout history, man has used smoke signals, lamps, flags, semaphores, morse code, musical instruments, even pigeons, to communicate a dire message quickly. We've made complex encrypted code sequences that evolve and morph as opposing forces to attempt to decode and understand these signals. Believe it or not, terpenes are nature's version of these wordless wartime signals. Often the release of a terpene into the air can determine whether or not a plant lives or dies, or whether or not an insect...

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The Future of Terpenes

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

The Future of Terpenes

At Inca Trail it's safe to say we're more than bullish on the prospective future of terpenes. Both in and out of the cannabis industry, we believe terpene isolates are underutilized and their utility and potential will only be more and more realized as we help demystify these powerful plant compounds.  First of all.. if you're wondering, what's a terpene? We got you. ter·pene [/ˈtərpēn]  "any of a large group of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the essential oils of plants, especially conifers and citrus trees." Vague, we know. A terpene is essentially a broad classification of natural plant compounds comprised of...

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Terpenes for Skincare Products & Skin Health!

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

Terpenes for Skincare Products & Skin Health!

Our skin is our largest organ. It’s also our most complicated. The skin plays a crucial role in providing an airtight, watertight and flexible barrier between the outside world and the highly regulated systems within the body. It regulates temperature, immune defense, vitamin production, and, obviously, is in charge of overall sensation. There is a huge focus on skin health, with fierce competition to have glowing, clearer, healthier, younger and fresher skin. This focus can cause secondary problems with self-esteem and mental health. If you’re looking for all-natural remedies for common skin care issues, or for a more effective transdermal...

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Delta 8 and Terpenes

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

Delta 8 and Terpenes

Cannabis is an incredibly intricate plant with a whole lot going on under the surface. As more research is undergone and more discourse is had about the plant, the public understanding of the many cannabinoids will be less scattered and more universally understood. One of those cannabinoids that many may have heard of, but few probably fully understand is delta-8.  Delta 8 is a substance that has become increasingly popular due to its legalization in the 2018 Farm Bill, which "legalized" the compound. However the status of the legality of Delta-8, as well as its physiological effects, remain unclear, to even...

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