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Terpenes & Us — lemon terpenes

LIMONENE EXPLAINED - Terpene Blends and Strains with this Popular Isolate!

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

LIMONENE EXPLAINED - Terpene Blends and Strains with this Popular Isolate!

Chances are if you read a list of the hundreds of terpenes found in cannabis to the average person, even the average cannabis user, not many would ring a bell. Limonene may be in the select few that would make someone's (puffy red) eyes widen and say, 'wait, I recognize that one!' This is due to a variety of reasons - limonene is the second most abundant terpene in nature according to current sources and it is very popular and prominent in cannabis. But also because of limonene's versatility, wide application of uses, and profound physiological effects. Much like how most people could...

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