Terpenes & Us — tension

Terpenes (and Cannabis Strains) For Headaches and Migraines!

Posted by Jack O'Leary on

Terpenes (and Cannabis Strains) For Headaches and Migraines!

If you've ever suffered from a migraine or headache, you know how truly debilitating it can be. Work, leisure, and just about anything is impossible. Lights and sounds become the enemy and you are left with no choice but to recluse yourself in a dark, silent room for hours til it wears itself away. Luckily, certain terpene profiles and cannabis strains can aid in the often agonizing symptoms which migraines produce.  Chemical activity in your brain, the nerves or blood vessels surrounding your skull, or the muscles of your head and neck (or some combination of these factors) can play a role...

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