Terpenes & Us — terpenes
How To Use Terpenes To Enhance Meditation
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

We have grown increasingly restless, fidgety, and beholden to our emotions due to increased screen time, constant dings, never-ending communication, and an over-saturation of content and media constantly demanding our attention, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It’s great to take a break. From screens, from the constant movement and noise, and to take a minute to reflect, to meditate. Creating a ritual, a moment each day to pause and reflect or to appreciate all the things you may be taking for granted serves as a reminder that there are things outside of work life that are also...
- Tags: cannabis and meditation, focus, how to meditate, how to meditate better, meditation, terpenes, terpenes and focus, terpenes and meditation, weed and meditating, weed and meditation
Homemade Hand Sanitizer (With Terpenes!)
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

As more and more stores sell out of hand sanitizers due to concerns over SARS, MERS, Covid-19, and coronavirus, learning the simple steps to make a homemade, pleasant smelling hand sanitizer may be necessary (particularly for those in large cities). Miryam Wahrman, a biology professor at William Paterson University authored "The Hand Book: Surviving in a Germ-Filled World," a book about combating a germ-riddled world.All you really need is alcohol, either isopropyl (rubbing) or ethyl (used in beer, wine, and spirits). As long as the solution is at least 60 percent alcohol, you can rub the liquid into your hands...
- Tags: best terpenes, coronavirus, hand cleaner, hand sanitizer, Home, homemade hand sanitizer, how to make hand sanitizer, popular terpenes, safe hand sanitizer, terpene hand sanitizer, terpenes, terpenes list, virus, virus outbreak, virusoutbreak
Terpenes Are The New Sativa & Indica
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

If you’ve ever visited a dispensary, odds are you know there is much more to a cannabis strain than just indica and sativa, but also terpenes. Terpenes are the pungent oils that give each strain of cannabis its scent and physiological effects. Terpenes serve as a blueprint for the way a strain will affect you. This might leave you asking – how important are terpenes and why should I care about them when choosing my strain? Understanding the therapeutic properties of terpenes opens a new world of possibilities for symptom relief. If you find a strain that is highly effective...
- Tags: cannabis terpenes, how to classify cannabis, indica, sativa, terpene strain, terpenes, terpenes are the new indica and sativa, terpenes list, weed classification
3 Tips For When You're Too High - Terps Can Help!
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

We've all been there...we've all underestimated the strength of an edible or the potency of a dab or cartridge and have had to undergo the experience of being uncomfortably high. While certain terpenes, alongside THC, are what get you high, other terpenes can counteract the THC. I will repeat that for the first-time edible user who underestimated the potential of 11-hydroxy THC (the very potent, orally ingested THC), If you accidentally get uncomfortably high, specific terpenes can help get you back on track. Beta-caryophyllene, pinene and limonene are all super helpful when you’ve accidentally taken too big of a puff, too...
- Tags: 3 tips for when too high, dab too strong, edible too strong, help smoked too much, how do I come down, terpenes, terpenes too high, tips for when too high, tips for when you're too high, too high, way too high
10 Terpenes You Should Know
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

There are tens of thousands of terpenes found in nature. They're in cannabis, plants, bugs, trees... just about everywhere you look you can find and breathe terpenes! While there are many, many other important terpenes outside of the following ten, these are the most popular, the most prominent, and the most useful terpenes both inside and outside the cannabis world. The following terpenes have shown to improve heart health, brain function, boost creativity and short-term memory, and much much more. Terpenes are much more than the favoring agents behind the scenes in your favorite cannabis strains, and here are 10...
- Tags: 10 terpenes, alpha-pinene, best terpenes, beta-caryophyllene, beta-ocimene, camphene, cannabis terpenes, geraniol, humulene, limonene, linalool, most popular terpenes, myrcene, ocimene, pinene, popular terpenes, terpene aroma, terpene benefits, terpene effects, terpene health benefits, terpene too high, terpenes, terpenes list, terpinolene